AMD64 -current ISOs and cvsup repository: Was: Re: -current ISOs and update cvsup sites for AMD64?

trorki at trorki at
Fri Dec 10 22:30:34 PST 2004

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 10:50:11AM -0600, trorki at

> > I've looked at and
> > and can't find a recent snapshot ISO to get -current for AMD64.
> > Am I missing the directory, or what?  Someone please let me know where
> > to get a recent ISO

> The above site; talk to the admins about why they're not being
> produced (probably it's just an oversight).

The last AMD64 -current ISO on and was in
October, if I'm looking at the right directories.  A month and a half is
hardly an "oversight", since October isn't even in the 6.0 timeframe.
Maybe terminology has changed since summer, but all the -current
sources peter out at the end of October, and no 6.0 build seems to
have ever worked on, to judge from the log files.
I'd like some help with AMD64 -current, yes AMD64 6.0-current.
Am I making this clear???

I haven't played with -current since before the switch to 6.0
as -current, so the last ISO I used (and still have) is a 5.x-current
from July.  I want a clean AMD64 6.0-current ISO to start with, and that
would presumedly be AFTER November 05, preferably very recent...

> >, and where I should point cvsup for the updates.

> Updates to what?  amd64 isn't different from the other architectures;
> you can read the documentation on using and configuring cvsup in the
> handbook, and if you have further specific questions then ask them
> then.

The information isn't IN the handbook, or is obscure.  If it was
there to read, I wouldn't have asked the list.  Duh.
Since I mentioned cvsup you might/maybe get the idea that I know
how to use it.  Duh.

Since I can't find the snapshots where they are expected,
they might be somewhere else, and I'd probably need to cvsup from
somewhere else, too, which is why I asked.  Duh.

Would somebody that actually uses -current on AMD64 tell me
how to get a recent ISO, and which servers are carrying the
AMD 6.0-current branch so I can cvsup updates?

Please don't reply to the list if you don't know what the hell
I'm asking about.


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