RFC: Alternate patch to have true new-style rc.d scripts in ports (without touching localpkg)

Robin Schoonover end at endif.cjb.net
Mon Aug 16 11:18:41 PDT 2004

On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 01:40:10PM -0400, Christopher Nehren wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 11:56:53 EDT, Mike Makonnen scribbled these
> curious markings:
> > I have thought about this considerably, and I think the best solution
> > is to have ports rc.d scripts installed to /etc/rc.d. One of the problems
> Please, no. This is in direct violation of hier(8), POLA, the concept of 
> separating third-party packages from the base system, and it also pollutes the 
> concept of a lean, clean, vendor-provided / file system. One of the
> things that I love about FreeBSD is that it doesn't make a mess of the
> base system like Linux does. If I wanted the mess that putting port
> scripts in /etc/rc.d would cause, I'd use Linux.

ports tries to make it more difficult to place things outside of ${PREFIX}
for a reason. :)

Robin Schoonover (aka End)
# "The algorithm to do that is extremely nasty.  You might want to mug
# someone with it."
#                 -- M. Devine, Computer Science 340

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