[PLEASE TEST] Better support for Synaptics Touchpads

Jamie Bowden ragnar at sysabend.org
Mon Aug 9 07:34:25 PDT 2004

On Fri, 6 Aug 2004, Arne Schwabe wrote:

> Philip Paeps <philip at freebsd.org> writes:

> > Hi gang :-)

> > Since the original synaptics support was added to psm, there have been
> > some reports of malfunctions and missing magic.  I've tried to fix all
> > that, but it's still work in progress.

> > If you happen to own a laptop with a synaptics touchpad, please help
> > test:

> >   <http://people.freebsd.org/~philip/psm.diff>

> Not using the stick would be masochistic in my opinion ;)

And some of us are of a diametricly opposed opinion.

> Anyway pressing buttons of the touchpad and moving the stick gives
> _strange_ effects but I think this time I motivate myself by not using
> the synaptics XFree86 driver, so either I fix it or my mouse is broken
> :)

What I want to know is if this addition gives the ability to turn tapping,
and the added features off.  I hate having inadvertant changes in pressure
be interpreted by the mouse driver as a tap.  It's hugely annoying, and
the first thing I do in Windows is turn all of it off.  I want the pad to
track position deltas, and when I want to push a button, I'll push a
button.  If I want to scroll around, I mouse over to a scroll bar, push a
button, and move the mouse.  That's another bunch of shit that immediately
gets turned off in winodws.  Software that attempts to be smarter than the
user never is.

Jamie Bowden

"It was half way to Rivendell when the drugs began to take hold"
Hunter S Tolkien "Fear and Loathing in Barad Dur"
Iain Bowen <alaric at alaric.org.uk>

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