fsck failed after hard crash

Sebastian Ssmoller sebastian.ssmoller at gmx.net
Sun Sep 14 02:42:23 PDT 2003

i did cvsup for /usr/src yesterday and did a build world.
i also build a new kernel without all these debugging things.

i rebooted the system and everything went fine first but then 
i tried to recompile pf_freebsd and the system crashed.

i rebooted and did fsck and tried the rebuild again - same thing :(

reboot again, fsck with many errors (some sectors could not be written, 
inconsistancy soft updates). 
i managed to start gnome2 agian. i started vmware and ... crash agin :'(

so i thought of using the old kernel again but when i restart and
run fsck it is NOT able to mark /usr as clean  !! :(

what can i do now ? any ideas ? 


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