Palm and USB: 5-CURRENT, 4-CURRENT, or 4.9-RELEASE?

Johny Mattsson lonewolf-freebsd at
Thu Oct 30 02:27:21 PST 2003

Jason Barnes wrote:
> 	I am trying to get my Palm Tungsten-E to sync with my FreeBSD

Hi Jason,

I had the interesting task of getting my Tungsten-W to sync the other 
week, which I succeeded with, after a few tweaks.

I'm running 5.1-REL, with a couple of patches, see PRs:
kern/58366 and kern/46488

You'll have to obtain the Tungsten-E product ID by doing a "usbdevs -v" 
after you've pressed the hotsync button. Then simply modify the patches 
in kern/58366 to reflect the E rather than the W.
Apply patches and rebuild.

I have the following added to my /etc/usbd.conf, above the "USB device" 

# PPP for Palm Tungsten W
device "Palm Tungsten W"
         devname "ucom[0-9]"
         vendor  0x0830
         product 0x0031
         attach "/usr/sbin/ppp -auto palm; /usr/local/bin/pi-csd -H 
sarah -a -n"
         detach "killall ppp; killall pi-csd"

In this case "sarah" is the local hostname, and is the local 
IP of the system. You will have to adjust the product ID here too. Oh, 
and be careful with the "killall ppp", you might want to change that to 
something a bit more sophisticated :)

For the /etc/ppp/ppp.conf, I have the following section:
  set device /dev/ucom0
  set cd off
  set dial
  set speed 57600
  set timeout 300
  set redial 5 0
  set reconnect 3 5
  set ctsrts on
  set ifaddr
  enable dns

Again, is the local IP, is the IP assigned to 
the Palm.

In the kernel config, I have
device ucom
device uvisor

(or you could load it as modules I suppose)

Finally, for the serial port setting in jpilot (or pilot-xfer), use the 
portname "net:any".

Unfortunately my Palm is away on repair at the moment, so I can't give 
you the exact details of the PPP setup of it, sorry. Follow what was 
outlined in the workaround, and you should get it to work (that's what I 
did). The important thing is that once you have set it up for LAN sync 
over PPP over Cradle/cable, you'll have to actually go into the HotSync 
app and tap the sync button there. Pressing the sync button on the 
cradle forces it to do a local cradle/cable sync, unfortunately.

I think that includes everything I did... took me a few hours to get it 
all working! Now, I don't know if the Tungsten-E is running PalmOS 4 or 
5. If it's 5, then there might be additional issues with the syncing, as 
I hear rumors saying that the hotsync protocol changed in PalmOS 5.

Hope that helps...
Johny Mattsson - System Designer ,-.   ,-.   ,-.  There is no truth.     _.'  `-'   `-'  There is only perception.

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