msdosfs & am-utils

Artem 'Zazoobr' Ignatjev timon at
Thu Oct 23 04:45:42 PDT 2003

Just noticed that amd no longer can handle pcfs mounts.
Here is the map:

/defaults       fs:="${autodir}/${host}/${key}/"
*               opts:=rw,grpid,resvport,vers=3,proto=udp,nosuid,nodev
floppy		type:=pcfs;dev:=/dev/fd0;opts:=rw
photo		type:=pcfs;dev:=/dev/da0s1;opts:=rw

Neither floppy, nor photo can be mounted with amd, it gots "EFAULT" from
mount syscall.

sources are from Oct, 16 and I haven't seen any commits to both amd or 
FreeBSD timon.nist 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Fri Oct 17
17:16:27 MSD 2003     root at timon.nist:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/TIMON  i386
(cvsup from Oct, 16)

I want to do some debugging, but dunno where to start

Artem 'Zazoobr' Ignatjev <timon at>

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