warnings while kernel build

Vladimir B. Grebenschikov vova at sw.ru
Wed Oct 22 00:04:59 PDT 2003

While build kernel on RELENG_4 machine I have following warnings (they
prevent success build unless -Werror disabled)

/ext/current/src# make -j8 buildkernel 
/ext/current/src/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c:1914: warning: inlining failed
in call to `_fgetvp'
/ext/current/src/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c:1935: warning: called from here
/ext/current/src/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c:1914: warning: inlining failed
in call to `_fgetvp'
/ext/current/src/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c:1942: warning: called from here
/ext/current/src/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c:1914: warning: inlining failed
in call to `_fgetvp'
/ext/current/src/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c:1949: warning: called from here
/ext/current/src/sys/vm/vm_map.c:287: warning: inlining failed in call
to `vmspace_dofree'
/ext/current/src/sys/vm/vm_map.c:319: warning: called from here
/ext/current/src/sys/vm/vm_map.c:287: warning: inlining failed in call
to `vmspace_dofree'
/ext/current/src/sys/vm/vm_map.c:343: warning: called from here

kernel config below
machine		"i386"
ident		VBOOK
maxusers	0

options         SCHED_4BSD

options         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE     # Include this file in kernel

cpu		"I686_CPU"		# aka Pentium Pro(tm)

options		COMPAT_43
options		COMPAT_FREEBSD4		# Enable FreeBSD4 compatibility syscalls

makeoptions	CONF_CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=pentiumpro"
#makeoptions     CONF_CFLAGS=-fno-builtin  #Don't allow use of memcmp,

makeoptions	DEBUG=-g  
#makeoptions	KERNEL=foo

options		INET			#Internet communications protocols
device		ether			#Generic Ethernet
device		loop			#Network loopback device
device		bpf			#Berkeley packet filter

options		PPP_BSDCOMP		#PPP BSD-compress support
options		PPP_DEFLATE		#PPP zlib/deflate/gzip support
options		PPP_FILTER		#enable bpf filtering (needs bpfilter)

options         IPFIREWALL              #firewall
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE      #print information about dropped
options         IPFIREWALL_FORWARD      #enable transparent proxy
#options	"IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=100" #limit verbosity
options		IPDIVERT		#divert sockets
options		DUMMYNET

options         PFIL_HOOKS 

options		FFS			#Fast filesystem

options		PSEUDOFS
options		PROCFS			#Process filesystem


# Allow this many swap-devices.
device		scbus	#base SCSI code
device		da	#SCSI direct access devices (aka disks)
device		sa	#SCSI tapes
device		cd	#SCSI CD-ROMs
device		pass	#CAM passthrough driver
options		SCSI_DELAY=1000	

device		pty		#Pseudo ttys - can go as high as 256
device		speaker		#Play IBM BASIC-style noises out your speaker

device		md              # Memory "disks"

device		isa

device		atkbdc
device		atkbd 

device		psm
device		vga

device		sc
options		MAXCONS=16		# number of virtual consoles
#options 	SC_DFLT_FONT		# compile font in
#makeoptions	SC_DFLT_FONT="cp866-vio"
options		SC_HISTORY_SIZE=1024	# number of history buffer lines
#options	SC_DISABLE_REBOOT	# disable reboot key sequence


device          npx
#device		aha

device		ata
device		atadisk        # ATA disk drives
device		atapicd        # ATAPI CDROM drives
#device		atapifd        # ATAPI floppy drives
#device		atapist        # ATAPI tape drives

#device		fdc	
device		sio

device		pci

#device		apm

device		smbus
device		intpm
device		smb
device		iicbus
device		iicbb
device		ic
device		iic
device		iicsmb	
device          pmtimer

## to module
#device		ppbus
#device		vpo
#device		lpt
#device		plip
#device		ppi
##device	pps
#device		lpbb
#device		ppc

options		"EXT2FS"

#options 	KTRACE			#kernel tracing
options 	DDB
options         BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER       #a BREAK on a comconsole goes to
                                        #DDB, if available.

#device          pcic
#device          card 1

# Pcmcia and cardbus bridge support
#device          cbb                   # cardbus (yenta) bridge
#device          pccard
#device          cardbus

#device          wlan
#device          wi

device		random


#device          acpica
#options         ACPI_DEBUG


#device          uhci
#device          ohci
#device          usb
#device          ugen
#device          uhid
#device          ukbd
#device          ulpt
#device          umass
#device          ums

#device firewire
#device fwohci
#device sbp

# prevent memory corruption (?)
options DISABLE_PG_G

Vladimir B. Grebenschikov <vova at sw.ru>
SWsoft Inc.

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