FreeBSD-CURRENT telnet can't disable autologin

Thyer, Matthew Matthew.Thyer at
Tue Oct 14 21:16:39 PDT 2003

Some people don't want auto login but are being frustrated when they try to disable it as below.

What is the correct way to disable this feature?

fuzz: {1016} ls -l ~/.telnetrc 
-rw-r-----  1 thyerm  scis  38 Oct 15 13:11 /home/thyerm/.telnetrc

fuzz: {1017} cat ~/.telnetrc 
unset autologin

fuzz: {1018} telnet
telnet> display
will flush output when sending interrupt characters.
won't send interrupt characters in urgent mode.
will send login name and/or authentication information.    <----- * NOTE
won't skip reading of ~/.telnetrc file.
won't map carriage return on output.
will recognize certain control characters.
won't turn on socket level debugging.
won't print hexadecimal representation of network traffic.
won't print user readable output for "netdata".
won't show option processing.
won't print hexadecimal representation of terminal traffic.

echo            [^E]
escape          [^]]
rlogin          [off]
tracefile       "(standard output)"
flushoutput     [^O]
interrupt       [^C]
quit            [^\]
eof             [^D]
erase           [^H]
kill            [^U]
lnext           [^V]
susp            [^Z]
reprint         [^R]
worderase       [^W]
start           [^Q]
stop            [^S]
forw1           [off]
forw2           [off]
ayt             [^T]

 Matthew Thyer                                 Phone:  +61 8 8259 7249
 Science Corporate Information Systems         Fax:    +61 8 8259 5537
 Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Edinburgh
 PO Box 1500 EDINBURGH South Australia 5111

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