panic with cdrecord -- anybody else seeing this? [backtrace obtained]

John Reynolds johnjen at
Sun Oct 12 21:50:02 PDT 2003

[ On Sunday, October 12, Kris Kennaway wrote: ]
> Thanks..Alan made a commit which he thought might have fixed this, but
> someone else also claimed it did not.
> See also
> Kris

Is there any more information that I can provide which might help a VM guru out
there figure out what has gone awry? BTW: I've tried the cdrtools-devel port as
well thinking it was cdrecord's fault, but even the latest devel version panics
with the same panic message.

I can provide full "boot -v" dmesg output or anything else that somebody

For what it's worth, I do NOT have atapicam compiled into or loaded into this
system, though I was planning on it in the future so that cdrecord good grok my
recently acquired DVD burner.


John & Jennifer Reynolds  johnjen at
Structural / Physical Design - ICG/PNG SCD     jreynold at
Running FreeBSD since 2.1.5-RELEASE.               FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!
"Unix is user friendly, it's just particular about the friends it chooses."

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