Experimental port of smartmontools available

Eduard Martinescu martines at frontiernet.net
Sat Oct 11 12:47:49 PDT 2003

 The current CVS version of smartmontools
 http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net now has support for FreeBSD.
 A couple of notes:
 1) SCSI support is there, but has not been highly tested.  It uses CAM, so
 any version of FreeBSD with CAM should work (hopefully)
 2) ATA support requires ATAng, or a fairly recent CURRENT. 
 I do plan on eventually creating a /usr/ports/systutil/smartmontools and
 submitting to the appropriate place, but haven't gotten there yet.
 Please try it out and send any problem reports to the smartmon-support
 mailing list.

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