Nvidia driver

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at gsoft.com.au
Fri Oct 3 04:01:40 PDT 2003

On Friday 03 October 2003 16:34, Mike Hunter wrote:
> How do you turn those down?  /boot/loader.conf?  I tried saying
> "hw.nvidia.card.rates="2x 1x" but that didn't seem to do anything (I have
> a feeling that putting that in /boot/loader.conf makes no sense...please
> consider this a desperate cry for help.)

Hmm, I am trying to remember :)
Here is a fragment of my loader.conf..

> Is it a bad sign that my sysctl has some weird values in it?

Possibly :)
I see it's a GeForce 4 Go.. They seem to be a bit weird from various posts on 
the lists :(

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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