MD5 signatures of 5.1-RELEASE

Dan Pelleg daniel+bsd at
Sat Jul 26 18:02:32 PDT 2003

I'm getting a wrong MD5 signature when downloading the miniinst image from

Also, and this is really weird, the file sizes I see on a web browser are
different than what I get with a FTP client. Yes, I realize this is a
FTP URL but still, the file list view in Mozilla (both Firbird 0.6 on FreeBSD
and 1.2.1 on Linux) indicates files 7-8 megabytes smaller than a "ls" done
in a command-line ftp.

In any case, I don't care much about Mozilla's quirks - I just want
the miniinst ISO to match its MD5.


  Dan Pelleg

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