distcc and freebsd

Christer Gundersen chgu at carebears.mine.nu
Mon Aug 11 10:26:56 PDT 2003

anyone gotten this to work?
It seems like I cant. I followed the howto on their page, but it seems
like distccd dont startup right. ('ps aux' shows distccd running)
Like, distccd runs but it dont open the port that it needs. I even tried
using 'distccd --daemon -p 80' , but nmap did not find it, nor does a
'telnet localhost 80' seem to find anything.
The monitor does not seem to respond either.

Med Vennlig Hilsen / Best regards
Christer Gundersen / dizzy tun3Z
http://dtz.cjb.net - http://carebears.mine.nu

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