5.1-R acl problem (again)

Branko F. Gracnar bfg at noviforum.si
Sun Aug 10 07:00:16 PDT 2003

Thanks for quick and very informative answer.

You're right about getfacl -d (i used linux + acl patch before, where default acls are displayed without any arguments and i didn't read getfacl man page).

Thanks alot again.

But there is one thing, i don't understand.

if i issue the following command:

setfacl -dm u::rwx,g::rx,o::---,u:branko:rwx,m::rwx  directory

and then create file under that directory, why getfacl reports:

user:branko:rwx         # effective: r--
group::r-x              # effective: r--

why is mask just 'r' ?!


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