Matt matt at xtaz.co.uk
Tue Apr 29 07:03:00 PDT 2003

CARTER Anthony said:
> Please help otherwise I am in serious DOO DA!!!


To begin with I would suggest booting the old kernel and seeing what that
does. When the loader is counting down asking you to press a key to
interrupt the boot process hit a key. Then type unload kernel and boot
/boot/kernel.old/kernel. Unless anything major has changed in the userland
which you have (i'm not sure as I haven't cvsup'd in the last few days)
then this should get it working again.

After that trying to figure out what is wrong with the current kernel etc
I have no idea. I'll leave that up to others on this list!

email: matt at xtaz.co.uk - web: http://xtaz.co.uk/
Hardware, n.: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.

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