my experience with the SCHED_ULE

Dung Patrick dkt at
Sat Apr 26 06:09:15 PDT 2003


My PC is an PIII SMP. I have been using the SCHED_4BSD (with ADAPTIVE_MUTEX=
) with 5-Current for some time. Now I have tried the SCHED_ULE (with ADAP=

I have tried some real world applications like Mozilla, xmms, and run insid=
e KDE. The performance is about the same with SCHED_4BSD. But I could not=
ice a little bit slow down/delay when I switch to another process. For ex=
ample: use the mouse to press the menu bar of konsole and drag it. I coul=
d see a small delay before the window moves.

Finally, I would appreicate all the developers for their time and effort on=


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