Laptop update...

Robert Watson rwatson at
Sun Apr 20 16:09:06 PDT 2003

On Sun, 20 Apr 2003, Ben Laurie wrote:

> so, where does this leave me? Well, the display still dies if I am in X
> and the screen times out - I can reboot blind, but I can't get the
> screen back - am I missing a trick? 

When you wake the box up again, try switching to another virtual console
and back again, and/or changing the display resolution using
ctrl-alt-[keypad + or -].  I've noticed similar things with my Dell
notebook, and seem to recall a discussion of this issue previously.
Basically, when things wake up, some piece of something forgets to power
the backlight back on again.  There may have been a kernel option floating
around to deal with this, but it's worth a try to see if that can kick
things into action.  If your notebook supports a CRT/LCD function key, you
could try fiddling that a few times to see if it jogs things back to life. 
Killing and restarting X might also do it?

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
robert at      Network Associates Laboratories

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