Anyone had hangs with Radeon, XF86 4.3.0, and DRI on logout?

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Fri Apr 4 13:57:19 PST 2003

Eric Anholt wrote:

> As the subject says, I'm wondering if anyone out there has experienced
> hangs on logging out from xdm (or perhaps switching VTs) with Radeon or
> matrox (perhaps r128, too) cards using the updated DRM in -current and
> XFree86 4.3.0.  If so, I may have a fix, but I'm wondering if this
> affects FreeBSD.

Yes, I had them from 5.0 onwards until -p7.  Not only with radeon but
also (although not so often) with mga.  They don't seem to happen 
anymore with the Matrox card in -p7 but I can't right now check if it's 
still problematic with a Radeon (I have swapped cards in hope to 
workaround that problem.)  But since I also had problems with the mga 
before -p7 and they don't seem to exist anymore now perhaps the problem 
has gone away?  (The problem manifested itself in the X server taking 
100% cpu in kernel mode, and trying to kill it, or trying to reboot made 
the machine freeze solid.  It only happened when the X session was 
terminated / X server was restarted, and occasionally in some 
xscreensaver hacks, after a while, although I couldn't ascertain this 
because I usually am not there when xscreensaver is running... ;)


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