A theory on why microsoft makes such crappy stuff after all these years

KAYVEN RIESE kayve at sfsu.edu
Sun Dec 13 23:40:37 UTC 2009

On Sun, 13 Dec 2009, Jayton Garnett wrote:

>>> THAT's no way to sell computers!  Come on man, how's that *Nix Store going
>> to survive with a sale line like that???
> Fortunately I'm no salesman so I need not worry about that, I leave that to
> my boss :p
> I can't even *sell* FreeBSD to my wife as our main OS, let alone strangers
> :(

Like chess.. it's a bit of a fringe market.. but I got this guy, I try to 
call him my buddy, but he has Asperger's Syndrome so he gets hung up on 
stuff.  He keeps saying "You're not a UNIX guy."

That's what you might call a self-fulfilling prophecy, if it weren't for 
the fact that I learned the vi editor in 1985, never had much hardware 
over the years.  Crashed class at Berzerkeley in molecular biology 
(MCB--the hardcores not IB).. got a MS, they keep wanting me to do this 
stuff.. they tell me I'm good with command lines, but I have only been 
trying to build systems for a couple of years now. I have never touched c# 
did a foray because I thought "Windows Programming" sounded intriguing.. 
at this point.. mind you I have no clue about holy wars, well.. I guess I 
can be RTFM deficient.. so I dropped out of my PhD (that was how I got the 
MS).. but anyway.. they made me retake data structures in c++ so I did and 
I did MFC that was fun.. did other things.. I am building a hate for 
java.. I met this Asperger guy.. and gradually I am trying to "descend" 
(is that REALLY the right word??? I know it's called "low level," but.. 
come on.. is this really hell?  it is if you believe it!!) into the kernel 
today I am trying to figure out how to get atomic_dec_and_test working.. I 
just scored with

gcc -lrt -o calc_pi calc_pi.c
calc_pi.c: In function 'main':
calc_pi.c:21: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
kayve at kayve-gentoo ~/murphy/CSc720/project/c_barrier $ ^C calc_pi 
kayve at kayve-gentoo ~/murphy/CSc720/project/c_barrier $ ./calc_pi
second resolution: 1260745242nanosecond resolution: 
954428309kayve at kayve-gentoo ~/murphy/CSc720/project/c_barrier $ gcc -lrt 
-o calc_pi calc_pi.c

(never mind forgotten '\n's)  but I'm sorry you guys. I thought I had an 
inkling what "hacker" meant but instead of bearing with me.. well.. 
whatever.. d00d.. I made a proclamation "PC-BSD is dead to me"


black screen man!  wtf?? oh mwwaan!!! now I dun blowed up mah ubuntu:


but gentoo gives me purdy flowers:


bin    etc             lib         nexbak  sbin     tmp      vmlinuz.old
boot   home            lost+found  opt     selinux  usr
cdrom  initrd.img      media       proc    srv      var
dev    initrd.img.old  mnt         root    sys      vmlinuz
kayve-gentoo ~ # ls /mnt/tst/home
kayve  scott
kayve-gentoo ~ # umount /mnt/tst
kayve-gentoo ~ # mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/tst
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
kayve-gentoo ~ # mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt/tst
/dev/sdb5 looks like swapspace - not mounted
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
kayve-gentoo ~ # swapon /dev/sdb5
kayve-gentoo ~ # ls /dev/sdb*
/dev/sdb  /dev/sdb1  /dev/sdb2  /dev/sdb5
kayve-gentoo ~ # mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ubuntu
kayve-gentoo ~ # pwd
kayve-gentoo ~ # cd emerges
kayve-gentoo emerges # ls
aisleriot_makesplat.log   ntfs3g_makesplat.log
astrolog_makesplat.log    ntfs_makesplat.log
dataplot_makesplat.log    oo-ximian_makesplat.log
depclean_makesplat.log    ooffice-bin-appen_makesplat.log
eclipse2_makesplat.log    ooffice-bin_makesplat.log
eclipse_makesplat.log     ooffice2_makesplat.log
epix_makesplat.log        ooffice_makesplat.log
extrema_makesplat.log     pgplot_makesplat.log
fuse_failed.log           plplot_makesplat.log
fuse_makesplat.log        python_makesplat.log
gempak_makesplat.log      pyxplot_makesplat.log
gftp_makesplat.log        qtiplot_makesplat.log
ggames_makesplat.log      quickplot_makesplat.log
gnupg_makesplat.log       scidavis_makesplat.log
gnuplot_makesplat.log     scipy_makesplat.log
grace_makesplat.log       telnet_makesplat.log
graphviz_makesplat.log    texlive_makesplat.log
labplot_makesplat.log     update_revdep.log
latex_makesplat.log       veusz_makesplat.log
loqui_makesplat.log       xchat_makesplat.log
matplotlib_makesplat.log  xd3d_makesplat.log
ntfs2_makesplat.log       xgraph_makesplat.log
kayve-gentoo emerges # tail xgraph_makesplat.log

  * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.

  * IMPORTANT: 14 config files in '/etc' need updating.
  * See the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge
  * man page to learn how to update config files.
kayve-gentoo emerges # exit

Script done on Wed Dec  9 23:28:20 2009
kayve-gentoo emerges #

I is a bad toad.  BUT AN EPIC TROLL!!! YAAAY!

> Cheers,
> Jay

   Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
   (415) 902 5513 cellular
   Webmaster http://ChessYoga.org

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