Alternative interface for FreeBSD questions

FBSD UG freebsd at
Thu Dec 3 12:40:44 UTC 2009

On 3 dec 2009, at 03:18, Dan Langille wrote:

> Nicole wrote:
>> Hello
>> Once again I find myself in need of help with a few BSD questions I just cannot solve without assistance.
>> Usually I am able to look things up on google for prior people asking for help for similar issues.
>> However, I really don't want to subscribe to the email onslaught that freebsd-questions can be. I am curious what methods others may use for accessing freebsd-questions?  Are there any web based interfaces that can provide easier access to questions and perhaps other lists as well?  I don't want to be one of those people who say, "please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list".

Isn't it all on the FreeBSD site?


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