Why the FreeBSD license will not be changing

Chuck Robey chuckr at chuckr.org
Thu Jan 10 17:59:32 PST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Julian Stacey wrote:
> Please Discuss Licensing On chat@, Not current@ !  
>   http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-current
>   This is the mailing list for users of freebsd-current. It includes
>   warnings about new features coming out in -current that will affect
>   the users, and instructions on steps that must be taken to remain
>   -current. Anyone running "current" must subscribe to this list.
>   http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-chat
>   This list contains the overflow from the other lists about
>   non-technical, social information. It includes discussion about
>   whether Jordan looks like a tune ferret or not, whether or not
>   to type in capitals, who is drinking too much coffee, where the
>   best beer is brewed, who is brewing beer in their basement, and
>   so on. Occasional announcements of important events (such as
>   upcoming parties, weddings, births, new jobs, etc) can be made
>   to the technical lists, but the follow ups should be directed to
>   this list.

what wee need is a rule, that if you demand folks should move the thread to
such-and-such a list, that YOU ACTUALLY DO THAT.  I will admit, Julian, you
came closest, you at least posted to -chat, would have been pretty good, if
only you'd removed -current before you sent it.  Why do folks always insist
on the other fellow do what you won't do?

I mean, it's not embarrassing, it should be easy to do, shouldn't it?  But
there's been about a half-dozen or more requests on this very thread, to
move it to -chat, but no-one seems able to do it.  Huh?
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