I like Ubuntu

David Kelly dkelly at HiWAAY.net
Sun Apr 15 02:51:51 UTC 2007

On Apr 13, 2007, at 10:05 PM, Jason C. Wells wrote:

>>> The answer to this question is, always has been, and always will be:
>>> http://www.xs4all.nl/~marcone/bsdversuslinux.html
>> Just my EUR 0.02. Perhaps even informative...
> He obviously didn't read the link.

*Read*? There were words? Oh, there were two words, missed those the  
first time.

Of 6 visible faces in the picture on the right, 4 look related (white  
shirts, no tie). Was that intended to represent the multitude of  
Linux distributions?  :-)

David Kelly N4HHE, dkelly at HiWAAY.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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