Terry Lamber's "Mr. Bullet Mr. Foot" quote...

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Mon Apr 2 16:48:49 UTC 2007

I find it hilarious, but can't find much corroborative evidence.
Thomas Sparrevohn uses something very much like this in his .sig:

  "It is not Unix's job to keep you from shooting yourself in the
  foot.  If you should choose to do so, it is Unix's job to deliver
  Mr. Bullet to Mr. Foot in the most efficient way it knows." 
	--- Terry Lambert

A reasonable amount of googling didn't produce a source file for
said quote, though, only archived e-mails of Thomas's.

Anyone know anything about it?  Context?  When, where, got a URI?

Kevin Kinsey

P.S.  Hope I spelled "Sparrevohn" correctly.  Seamonkey thinks
it should be spelled "Irrevocable".... :-D
I can give you my word, but I know what it's worth and you don't.
		-- Nero Wolfe, Over My Dead Body

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