Cleaning up packages after cd /usr/ports && make
Oliver Fromme
olli at
Tue Jan 17 00:40:54 PST 2006
Sten Daniel Sørsdal <lists at> wrote:
> I managed to tell a coworker of mine to go into /usr/ports and and type
> make on a production server. He let it run for 6 hours before complaining.
The easiest way to get rid of the packages is probably to
type "ls -lart /var/db/pkg" -- it'll list package names,
sorted by time (youngest last), so you just look at the
bottom of the list for those which have been installed in
the past 6 hours. Then use pkg_delete on them in reverse
order, i.e. bottom-up. You might get a few warnings
because of dependencies (non-leaf ports) which will not
be removed; you can simply ignore them.
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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