netsaint - specifying a listening address

Dan Langille dan at
Mon Sep 12 06:43:59 PDT 2005


I'm setting up a new host to be monitored by netsaint[1].  I'm using 
netsaint_statd on the remote host to report status from that host.  
One of the issues is that netsaint_statd listens on all IP addresses 

The line in question is:

bind(Server, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) || die "Can't bind to 
socket: $!\n";

I think what I need to do is change INADDR_ANY to optionally be a 
user-supplied value.  Any perl hackers out there want to show me how 
to do this in simple way please?


[1] - Yes, I'm still using NetSaint, and not Nagios.  I have no 
reason to change.
Dan Langille :
BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference -

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