Some HTML work needed please

Dan Langille dan at
Wed Jan 26 15:16:22 PST 2005

On 23 Jan 2005 at 2:59, Julio Capote wrote:

> Dan Langille wrote:
> >I need some help with designing some HTML forms for BSDCan 2005. 
> >Knowledge of HTML is essential.  If you also know PHP and PostgreSQL,
> > great.
> >
> >There are about 6 forms that need doing, none of which are very
> >complex.
> >
> >If you know, or want to learn, PHP/PostgreSQL, we need code to 
> >process these forms.  Again, quite simple.

> First of all, let me tell you how excited I am about BSDcan2005; my
> friends and I are organizing this huge roadtrip just for it. Long live
> FreeBSD! Anyway, I'd be glad to work on some forms, where can I get
> details?

I need two forms, initially:


first_name, last_name, email_address, password, organisation, 
job_title, phone_number, fax_number, mailing_address, city, 
province_state, postal_code, country


name, description, notes, status

All of these are text fields (but status is a drop down, either 
Active (A) or Cancelled (C)).

Those are the main ones I need first.  I would prefer things like 

    field label: [where you enter the data]

And the field label right aligned, the field left aligned.  
Basically, a table with two columns, the first containing the field 
label (right aligned, nowrap), the second containing the entry spot.

Everything else can be based off those.  Thanks.
Dan Langille :
BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference -

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