RedHat: Buffer Overflow in "ls" and "mkdir"

Kevin Lyons kevin_lyons at
Mon Oct 25 09:45:03 PDT 2004

>But a shadow still falls on my computing experience when I try to tell
> civilians how I avoid Microsoft without a Macintosh. "Uh, well, it's
> _like_ Linux, but ... well, it's Unix." "Eunuchs!!? O-kay, well, see ya
> later..."

In this day and age, if they don't know what Unix is, then they deserve 
to live in the Microsoft ghetto.

Everyone is not ready to drive a 1000hp F1 race car.  Most users belong 
in a 50hp compact car.  Trying to dumb down the race car so grandma can 
drive it is about as effective as trying to dumb down linux ala redhat 
and friends.  In general, users get what they deserve; which is to say 
spyware, viruses, microsoft email clients such as outhouse that don't 
work properly with imap, active X taking over their computer, corporate 
windoze servers that measure uptime in hours, etcetera.

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