Powerbook Setup

Andi Scharfstein mail at synchron.org
Mon Oct 18 15:30:26 PDT 2004


>> I was wondering if there was any advice you'd want to give an Apple
>> newbie. 

-snip rant-

> Sorry it was you that suffered my rant on Apple kit, but you are, to
> my knowledge, the first in a while.

Heh, that's good to know. Well, obviously I don't fully agree with
your criticism, but I think that skipping over the polemics there is
the valid point in your post that I shouldn't have posed a
hardware-related question on this particular list. For this, I
apologize and hope that my post will not have inadvertently caused a
flame war here.

Thanks for your time, Andi S.                mailto:mail at synchron.org

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