GPL vs BSD Licence

Rahul Siddharthan rsidd at
Tue Nov 2 01:38:39 PST 2004

Quoting Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm at>:
> > It's like saying most people who listen to Schoenberg come from the
> > rock world rather than the classical music world, because there are so
> > many more rock music listeners than classical music listeners.
> >
> Well, perhaps it is, but as a matter of fact, most classical music
> listeners DO come from rock music listeners, didn't you know that?

I doubt anyone jumps from Metallica to Schoenberg.  They may go to other,
more accessible forms of classical music and gravitate from there.
Similarly I doubt many people jump from Windows to FreeBSD, without
some exposure to other forms of Unix (not necessarily Linux but these days
that's the most likely candidate, and I'm not ignoring Mac OS X: most
Mac OS X users I've met were either already familiar with Unix or hadn't
bothered to learn anything about its Unix roots.)

(That's an analogy, not exact.  I don't like Schoenberg and twelve-tone music
myself, though I do like a lot of other "modern" 20th-century composers.)

I think there's absolutely no question, except among hardened FreeBSD
oldtimers who haven't seen the real world in years, that Linux offers a
much lower entry barrier to users who've forgotten what a command line is,
even in its crude MSDOS form.


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