FreeBSD Most wanted

Colin Percival colin.percival at
Sat Mar 6 13:54:17 PST 2004

At 21:44 06/03/2004, stephan mantler wrote:
 >Also, to get a bit closer to the original topic. I can't remember where I
>read this (DDJ probably), but apparently programmers who have a deep
>understanding of computer architecture through low level programming also
>produce "better" code in high level languages. My interpretation is that
>they are simply feeding the compiler a better foundation to work with.

   Having seen quite a lot of undergraduate "computer science" students
over past decade, I can certainly support that interpretation.  Nobody
quite understands why hash tables are not a perfect data structure
until they've tried to implement one in assembly language.  (And, after
performing such a task, few people will use hash tables without asking
themselves, at least for a moment, if there might be a cheaper solution
to the problem at hand.)

Colin Percival

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