New Open Source License: Single Supplier Open Source License

Rahul Siddharthan rsidd at
Sun Jan 25 12:26:03 PST 2004

> While it's probably low risk to assume that some private derivatives
> are not subject to the "all third parties" clause,

I think I see your confusion: that clause says if you distribute it to
anyone else, you must license it to all third parties.  That means you
cannot stop it from being redistributed -- whoever receives it has
your permission to pass it on further under the GPL.  It does not mean
that you must hand out a copy to whoever asks for it, or that anyone
in the world can demand source code from you.

Read the FAQ, in particular

You may say "that's the FSF's interpretation", but it's been gone over
by their lawyers, and it's totally obvious you're not a lawyer, so
either believe the FSF or find a lawyer who supports your


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