And now, the Linux is near...

Paul Robinson paul at
Wed Dec 1 08:54:25 PST 2004

... it's time to face, the final curtain.

Inspired by the 3945634956295425258695 Linux distributions currently on
offer and seeing the relative ease with which DragonFly got off the
ground, it would appear, a few kids are trying to sell Free/DragonFlyBSD
without adding a huge amount:

My favourite bit is with the Gold edition you get all those lovely
languages that are simply just too expensive to get hold of for humble

I seem to remember seeing a couple of outfits like this a few years
back. Where did they all go? Did some gullible purchasing officer get
suckered in, order 100 server licenses and the kids ran off with all the

Paul Robinson 
"All I know is I'm not a Marxist" - Karl Marx

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