Beginning C++ in FreeBSD

DoubleF doublef at
Sat Apr 17 21:51:12 PDT 2004

[Moved to chat@]

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 09:30:24AM -0600,
 Dan MacMillan probably wrote:
> From: Daniela
> Sent: April 17, 2004 04:50
> >
> > OO languages can be optimized differently than non-OO languages, and
> > when you translate one language into another, this advantage gets lost.
> I challenge you to defend this claim with a specific example.

Let me leave this one to Daniela and defeat a more general claim, that
C++ is not just C:

The `canonical' (portable; standard-compatible) way to get something
done either before or after main() is called, when main() has no
awareness of the need to do it, is:

a) in C++: creation of a static object, whose ctr/dtr contain the code
to be executed before/after main;

b) in C: <your answer here>

> How does one properly do an assembly language program for the x86
> instruction set (for example) so that it will run on a StrongARM?

One writes it in C instead:)...

I'm written in C++. CC me!
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