What are people using for MUA's nowadays?

Person, Roderick personrp at ccbh.com
Mon Sep 22 10:03:07 PDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Knowles [mailto:brad.knowles at skynet.be]
> 	I'm sure you'll find plenty of people recommending other 
> applications for other OSes, as well.  Just because BSD may be your 
> preferred server OS, or one of your server OSes, doesn't mean that 
> it's the only OS available to you, or that it is necessarily the OS 
> you prefer to have sitting in front of you on your desktop or laptop.

You may be right, although I use FreeBSD as a desktop and server, except at
work I'm forced to use win2k as a desktop.

I've just find it strange that people do recommend none unix applications to
people that start messages with "I use pine" .

Roderick Person 
personrp at ccbh.com

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