Ugly Huge BSD Monster

Brett Glass brett at
Wed Sep 3 11:11:39 PDT 2003

At 09:03 AM 9/3/2003, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:

>To get back to the original example: Qt?  It's been entirely developed
>by Troll Tech, at certainly not "marginal" cost, and though they started
>off with a not-quite-free licence, they're doing fine with a
>GPL+commercial dual-licensing system now.

No, they're not "doing fine;" they're just not out of business yet.

>An older example, as I said, is ghostscript, whose cost isn't "marginal"
>either; but the comparison is not quite the same, since they released
>GPL versions a year after their commercial/AFPL versions.  Nevertheless,
>it is a successful model using the GPL.

Wrong again. Deutsch hasn't gotten a Postscript consulting contract in

>A third example is StarOffice.  Many people are buying it from Sun
>rather than downloading OpenOffice, for support and additional features.

Another example of selling something else besides the software.

--Brett Glass

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