How do hackers drive?

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Fri Oct 31 10:42:07 PST 2003

Bill Moran wrote:

> I recently started reading Eric Raymond's 
> _The_Art_of_UNIX_Programming_ and
> it's gotten me taking another look at the way I am in general.
> Just to make sure I'm not totally insane ...
> When I am about to go somewhere in the car, I take a moment or two to
> plan out the optimal route to get to my various destinations.  If 
> there are
> multiple destinations, I usually do a little thinking to determine what
> order to visit these destinations in order to make optimal use of my 
> time.
> This is usually modified by the desire to choose a route that includes 
> the
> fewest number of left turns possible (since right turns are cheaper than
> left turns, time-wise, and complexity-wise - you can make a right turn on
> red for crying out loud)
> Other programmers drive this way as well, correct?

I call myself a 'consultant' ... the gist of this:  I'll try every
route and might get there next Thursday :D

Kevin Kinsey

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