Senator Santorum

Doug Barton DougB at
Tue May 6 23:35:42 PDT 2003

On Tue, 6 May 2003, Terry Lambert wrote:

I'm snipping your excellent post, since I basically agree with most of
what you said. At least you put the appropriate amount of thought into
it. :)

> If you are thinking of the (relatively) recent media feeding
> frenzy, it was not a courts-marshall over adultery, per se,
> it was a courts-marshall over disobeying a direct order to not
> engage in adultery.  That's a totally different issue (Article
> 15).  The media made it about adultry, because adultry was more
> salable to their consumers than the reality.

No, there are actually penalties in the UCMJ for adultery, but like I
said, I'm far from an expert. As I understand it, they generally involve
stacking poo onto the pile for people who shouldn't have been involved
anyway, but I grew up in a navy town, and I used to hear about this kind
of thing fairly regularly.

I left out all the muslim, and other countries that have this on the books
as well, since the original poster specified "civilized."

Doug (yes, it's a joke... well, mostly)


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