RMS says: "Use BSD, for goodness sake!"

Peter McGarvey fbsd-x at packet.org.uk
Thu Jun 26 04:35:58 PDT 2003

* Paul Robinson <paul at iconoplex.co.uk> [2003-06-26 12:04:33 BST]:
> awk - encourage people to port their code away from awk. Big.

Does anyone actually USE awk?

Other than to filter columns that is.

But as awk is usually available on other Unixes, I'm apt to rely on it's
existance.  So I'd hate to see it go.

> rcs - remove and make an optional package?

Get's my vote.  I'm fedup accidentally typing 'ci', and getting prompted
for stuff....  I'd much prefer a "command not found" message.

Doesn't OpenBSD have a preferance for BSDL?  I seem to remember the pf
project kicked-off due to a problem with the IPFilter licence.  Perhaps
we should see what we can lift from them.


Peter McGarvey
Freelance FreeBSD Hacker
(will work for bandwidth)

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