bsd daemon chick wallpaper??

Bill Moran wmoran at
Wed Jun 18 10:25:28 PDT 2003

Pete Ehlke wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 10:12:53AM -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
>>At the time, her squeeze was Mike Smith, who worked for Walnut Creek.  I
>>haven't seen her since the Monterey BSDCon, so I have no idea what she's up to
> I used to see her on the street outside 650 Townsend when both linuxcare
> (where she worked) and shockwave (where I did) were both there, and the
> building's fire alarm system would go off a couple of times a week. Then
> linuxcare went south, and so did shockwave, and The Great Scattering
> happened. NFC whatever happened to her.

It's probably for the better anyway.  She's likely to just ignore me like
the rest of the women I approach.

I can hardly blame her, but you'd think the women who actually post personal
ads would respond to me.  My opening lines can't be that bad, can they?

Here's my ad:
"Foul-mouthed, compulsive male seeks gorgeous female who grocks pointers and
encyrption math.  Must enjoy spending long hours in dark rooms coding until
her eyes hurt, then be overcome with the desire to mountain-bike for miles
on end until she can no longer stand.  Women with previous modelling experience
who look good in swimsuits preferred.  Money and expensive toys are a plus."

I'm thinking about changing it a bit.  Perhaps I'm too picky ... I mean, as I
grow older (and more desperate) I'm starting to learn that just because she's
confused by pointers doesn't mean she can't write useful code.  I mean, many
of the high-level languages don't even use pointers, right?

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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