Antivirus for (mailservers on) FreeBSD

Bill Moran wmoran at
Thu Jun 12 12:59:01 PDT 2003

David Kelly wrote:
> How does "antivirus mail filtering" differ significantly from spam
> filtering?  Seems to me these two should be one and the same as "spam"
> is a form of malicious code.

No, no, no.  Not even close.

While it may seem that way to an end-user, programatically it's very

Bayesan matching is generally done for spam, as it seems to be the best
approach.  This involves checking for a LARGE number of conditions and
assigning a percentage likelihood for each that it is indicative of spam.
Once _every_ condition has been checked, the email is labeled spam or
not based on the sum of the liklihoods of all matched rules.  This is
VERY cpu intensive.

Searching for malware is simply a matter checking set of rules until a
positive match is found.  The first positive match terminates the search
with a positive.  There are no percentages and the nature of the search
means that putting the most likely candidates at the beginning of the
search will cause it to terminate more quickly in many cases since there's
no need to check the rest of the possibilities.
Additionally, searching headers for instances of malware is unreliable
and is therefore not done.  Additionally, certain mail (such as proper mail
that is _all_ plain text) need never be searched at all since there is
no way to embed malware in an email that is all plain text.

> All that seems to be lacking is easy updates to the spam/virus/worm rule
> database.

I'm not having any difficulty updating the Sophos database on a daily basis.
I don't understand where this statement originated from.

p.s. I abhor the term "virus" as I haven't seen one in years.  The horrible
technical elegance of a true virus doesn't exist in the abilities of modern
malware developers.  Worms and trojans are the best they can do.  And worms
are often too difficult.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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