I want to know the overall job outlook ...

Marc Ramirez mrami at bluecirclesoft.com
Tue Jun 10 09:54:09 PDT 2003

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Bill Moran wrote:

> I'm running around looking for work ...
> I'm not finding much, but I've only been at it a few days and I can't
> spend a lot of time before I have to make some decisions.
> My question is: How well are other folks doing in this job market?  Is
> it so bad that I should take whatever I can get? (I've had one recruiter
> tell me this ... I don't want to believe it, but perhaps I should)
> I'm kind of in a situation where I have to make a decision faster than
> I can learn enough to be informed when I do so.  Basically, any anecdotes
> or opinions are welcome.  Anything is better than rolling dice to see
> what I should do.

Seems to be picking up in the Cincinnati/Dayton area; of course, there is
an AF base here. Lots more job postings, and lots more chatter about IT
investing, esp. Linux/Oracle, in the crowds I navigate. But then again,
why would I navigate crowds where they talk about Microsoft?

Some FOAFs just got brought on as Java gurus at $90/hr apparently.

I don't know how you're doing your search, but some general advice you may
already know. If you're looking for work, this is definitely the kind of
economy where you have to convince people to open a position for you.  It
was a rough adjustment for me, coming out of college in the second half of
the '90s.  :)  It's not like people stop needing stuff, they're just
afraid to spend.  Even going door to door talking to owners has bang for
the buck.

If you do work with a recruiter, make sure they're proactive, because
their existing accounts have probably already been squeezed to breaking.


Marc Ramirez
Blue Circle Software Corporation
513-688-1070 (main)
513-382-1270 (direct)

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