strip FreeBSD a bit

Andreas Klemm andreas at
Sat Aug 30 23:55:25 PDT 2003


I think its a bad idea to remove components from FreeBSD that
everybody would expect in a BSD.

I think you touch areas here like tradition ...

In Linux its another thing, they don't have such a tradition,
since Linux is only a kernel and Linux never defined a Linux
basde system. So there you can discuss of having sendmail,
exim, postfix or qmail installed by default or not.

IMHO I think its a good thing that a normal FreeBSD installation
includes bind and sendmail. This makes FreeBSD a complete 
(standard/traditional) Unix after basic installation.

Things like perl had to go for other reasons in 5.x it was
related to difficulties in the build process and RPITA concerning
how the p5- ports fit into a scheme perl5 in base system + newer
perl5 under /usr/local.

	Andreas ///

Andreas Klemm - Powered by FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
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