Hoping to organize some get togethers for BSD geeks

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Wed Aug 27 17:58:50 PDT 2003


I've been trying for a while to get organized to get together with
fellow freenix geeks in the Pittsburgh, area.  I tried hooking up
with a local LUG, but that didn't go so well.

Recently I tripped across this meetup.com site.  It doesn't seem
like anything shady or anything (although I'm not sure how they're
making money off it)

So, basically, I'm asking anyone in the Pittsburgh area interested
in getting together to talk tech to sign up.  Let's see if this
meetup.com thing can organize meetings like it says it can.

(Hell, if you're not from Pittsburgh, I guess it's OK to sign up for
your city as well)

No, I don't work for meetup.  No, I don't get kickbacks or anything
for signing anyone up.  No, this isn't a pyramid scheme (at least,
not as far as I can tell)  I just got bummed last month when not
enough people signed up to make a meeting worthwhile and thought I'd
see if I could drum up some interest.


Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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