FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:09.signal

Chip Morton 2m5mefx02 at
Wed Aug 13 05:50:14 PDT 2003

At 02:30 AM 8/13/2003, Terry Lambert wrote:
>So... how much SPAM will need to be sent from behind your NAT,
>making it look like it's you who's SPAM'ming, before you close
>the thing down?

It would take enough spam to get a complaint sent to my ISP (whoever that 
is) which makes them take action against me.  Until then, I'll take my chances.

But honestly, I can't imagine that anybody serious about sending spam is 
waiting for somebody in this area to set up an open wireless network to 
wreak havoc.  It just seems like a low probability event.

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