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Colin Percival colin.percival at
Tue Apr 15 17:15:09 PDT 2003

At 16:57 15/04/2003 -0700, sereciya at wrote:
>   Take the words "fare well" for example.  English speaking folk commonly use
>   this to mean "good bye".  It just happens to be French, and what it really
>   means is "do well"; not really having anything to do with travel or even
>   departure.

   You'd better explain that to the OED editors, then.  They list "faer" as 
meaning "a going, journeying; course, passage, way; voyage" dating back to 
c1000, and "fara" as meaning "to journey, travel, make one's way" back to 
971.  ("fair", "faron", "faren", and "farand" are also used in the same 
meaning over the next few centuries.)

Colin Percival

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