misc/150372: textproc/urlview unreasonable run dependencies

Arthur Mesh arthurmesh at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 04:20:05 UTC 2010

>Number:         150372
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       textproc/urlview unreasonable run dependencies
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 08 04:20:04 UTC 2010
>Originator:     Arthur Mesh
>Release:        8.1-release
Is it reasonable to have urlview depend on humongous gecko browsers? It used to be the case that it didn't, and anyone could happily have urlview installed without X, firefox and the rest of the friends...

Why do we need stuff like this? :

.if defined(WITH_GECKO)
USE_GECKO=	firefox-devel firefox35 seamonkey
.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/bsd.gecko.mk"
.elif defined(WITH_SEAMONKEY)
RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/seamonkey/seamonkey-bin:${PORTSDIR}/www/seamonkey
GECKO=		seamonkey
RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/firefox3/firefox:${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox35
GECKO=		firefox3

I thought ports were meant to be flexible for users, but this is the opposite.
This essentially forces users of urlview to have a gecko browser, even though it's far from being essential for urlview's functionality. Notice that things like mutt, elm, w3m, ncftp{2,3,} are also referenced in url_handler.sh, and yet are not referenced in R-depends.




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