FreeBSD 7.2 and KDE4 port

KeithB KeithB at
Tue Jan 5 23:44:24 UTC 2010

Dear FreeBSD, 


I though you may be able to suggest a solution for the following problem. 


... as you will tell, I'm new to this install of ports.


The make install of KDE4-4.3.4 in OS FreeBSD 7.2 fails, installed from the
FreeBSD ports collection (KDE4).  The file is not found.
Indeed, I can't seem to find this file anywhere on the web.


Apparently, libsndfile-1.2.30.tar.gz is a deprecated version of
libsndfile-1.0.21.tar.gz Just FYI, when I
downloaded libsndfile-1.0.21.tar.gz, the file downloads with the name
libsndfile-1.0.21.tar.tar (note the tar on the end, vice gz).  


Can I get this version so that I can install your KDE desktop?  I looked for
a way to modify the Makefile or somthing to point the installer to the new
file,  libsndfile-1.2.20.tar.tar, but I don't seem to find any help in this





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