misc/118149: [tinybsd] files missing tinybsd image

antoine at FreeBSD.org antoine at FreeBSD.org
Sun Feb 10 18:38:42 UTC 2008

Synopsis: [tinybsd] files missing tinybsd image

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: antoine
State-Changed-When: Sun Feb 10 18:32:35 UTC 2008
I can't reproduce this problem.
Can you still reproduce it with a recent version of freebsd ?
If yes, can you provide the version of freebsd you are using,
the version of tinybsd (ident /usr/src/tools/tools/tinybsd/tinybsd),
a link to your .tinybsd.hostname.username configuration file,
and a link to your tinybsd.log when you replace "cpio -dump"
by "cpio -dumpv" in tinybsd ?  Thanks.


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