Some error in php4-4.4.7_2

Alexander Berjoza bereza.alexander at
Wed Nov 28 04:51:51 PST 2007

Good day,

  I have a problem. I can't install PHP4 on my server.
Problem is, by steps:

  0. Port is not installed on my system

  1. I try to install from ports PHP4 (/usr/ports/lang/php4) and get message
     ===>  php4-4.4.7_2 has known vulnerabilities:
     => php -- multiple vulnerabilities.
        Reference: <
     => Please update your ports tree and try again.
     *** Error code 1

  2. Then I update ports (using cvsup and then portupgrade) and try again,
and get this message again
     ===>  php4-4.4.7_2 has known vulnerabilities:
     => php -- multiple vulnerabilities.
        Reference: <
     => Please update your ports tree and try again.
     *** Error code 1

Thank you for answer.

  tel.  : 80979195448
  e-mail: bereza.alexander at

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