misc/118160: unable to mount / rw while booting 7.0-BETA3

Yuri yuri at tsoft.com
Tue Nov 20 18:40:03 PST 2007

>Number:         118160
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       unable to mount / rw while booting 7.0-BETA3
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Nov 21 02:40:02 UTC 2007
>Originator:     Yuri
>Release:        7.0-BETA3
After recompiling and reinstalling the current BETA3 my system has a reboot problem.
While booting log says:
Starting file system checks:
<here goes the list of file systems that it reports, this is ok>
mount:  : Operation not permitted.
Mounting root file system rw failed, startup aborted.
/etc/rc: WARNING: $true is not set properly - see rc.conf(5)

and system gets to single user mode.

In single user mode / is read-only. And command 'mount -uw /' fails Operation not permitted. I count't find the workaround so far.

'sysctl -a' shows securelevel=-1 (lowest).

The major bug seems to be in the 'mount' system call. 'man mount' says that EPERM is returned if "The caller is neither the super-user nor the owner of dir." I am root.

The secondary problem is this printout: WARNING: $true is not set properly - see rc.conf(5)
It shouldn't print $true

Another secondary problem is with man mount(2). Isn't is supposed to mention that setting securelevel also makes 'mount' return EPERM?

So now I can reboot normally only choosing "single user mode" when I boot and running "mount -uw /" as a single user. And then continuing the boot process.




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